Dedicated to Doing it Better
MLI was founded with a dream—translating our passion and experience into greener grass—both figuratively and literally. We recognize an industry gap in landscape knowledge and proficiency; in turn, we are deeply committed to providing a premier experience in every aspect of landscape consultation, service and management—both for our customers and employees.
Our Promise
We are an organization working to empower people. We want to create an experience that demonstrates our promise—taking pride in our work through craftsmanship and communication. Watch our video to learn more.
We Do a Common Thing Uncommonly Well
Our life’s passion is all things green—and that certainly includes doing our part to care for the environment. We exclusively use eco-friendly/green products and provide a variety of innovative green infrastructure services for both residential and commercial size needs.
Giving Back
Investing in our staff and the Indianapolis community is a cornerstone to our core values. Our staff’s safety as well as their industry knowledge is a top priority; ongoing and intensive safety and professional development trainings are prioritized. This approach is paralleled in our community involvement—entire staff volunteer days, as well as supporting individual employee’s interests/causes are an ongoing focus.